
Der Roman „Bastards and the Knives“ ist ein Prequel zur Locke Lamora-Serie von dem Autor Scott Lynch. Dieses Buch wurde noch nicht übersetzt.

  1. Infos über das Buch:
  2. Serie: Locke Lamora
  3. Verlag: Gollancz
  4. Seiten: 336
  5. Veröffentlichung: 31.12.1656
  6. Formate: Buch
  7. Buch-ISBN: 9780575082120

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Inhaltsangabe von „Bastards and the Knives“:

Bastards and the Knives von Scott LynchThese two novellas tell the story of how Locke, Jean and the other gentleman bastards acquired the Austershalin brandy that played such a key role in the con at the centre of THE LIES OF LOCKE LAMORA and how they managed to avoid being killed by the elite assassins known as the Choir of Knives.
These two novellas will fill in the backstory of the Bastards and allow fans to revisit the pleasures of the banter and antics of Caldo, Galdo and Bug as well discover how Locke and Jean forged their gang.
They will also serve as an excellent introduction to Locke and his world for new readers.

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